The craigslist bandits strike again! 32 wine glasses, acquired for 16 bucks! They are cheaper yet at the Habitat ReStore, but the opportunity to get so many at once could not be passed up. Here they are with our most favorite craigslist score ever -- the free cat! Also pictured, the not-free shelter cat.
We are happy to give a home to the displaced crochet doilies of the world.
I can't help but wonder who this "Cler" is. Walker calls initials, but I prefer to imagine an angsty teen changing the spelling of her name, and her loving grandmother immortalizing in it doily. The current stash status: AWESOME
Wow, make sure that table doesn't collapse! Looks like an awesome haul.
Here's an idea. When this is done, keep some of the wine glasses, get a glass etching kit. Make etched glass sets for your friends as gifts. (Like the glasses Kathy got from Sarah et al).
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