Sunday, November 27, 2011

Damn you, Siri!

I thought she'd be my new best pal, but Apple's Siri can't understand Amy's voice.  Cousin Cliff kindly let us play with his phone -- we may have made  some accidental calls to folks on his contact list, so really, THANK YOU cousin.

In my pretest impersonating the pauses and pronunciation of Amy, it was working, but for the life of us, it doesn't understand real Amy.  The voice control function on Amy's iphone 3 DOES work for her, so we expected success from Siri.

With Amy's current phone, she can call people and control her phone using her voice, but with Siri she'd also be able to access her calendar, and send and receive text messages.

I'm looking into other outlets, but this is one of the few devices that would accommodate both her vision problem and her limited use of her hands.

Part of me is tempted to bite the bullet, cut down her contacts list temporarily to a handful of people who wouldn't mind a lot of accidental calls and text and let her practice, practice, practice.  Worst case scenario, main man has a iphone 4.


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