Friday, January 6, 2012


When my mom died, I promised myself that I would not be unhappy another day of my life.  I might be sad, but I wouldn't be unhappy.

That has proved difficult, but it continues to be my ultimate goal.  To this end, I'm trying to get back on track.  More doing.  In the spirit of the new year, I am energized and hitting a mental reset.

I have a wonderful husband, a job I love, two AMAZING sisters, an aunt and an uncle and a cousin who have taken us in, and in-laws who have opened their hearts to my sisters.  We rent the perfect little house, our car starts every morning, our dog is a riot.  I have a cabinets of food, a washer, a dryer, a dishwasher, wifi, and hot water whenever I want it. 

There is a lot of pain and plenty of woes, but I am a lucky person.

This year, I will:
  • Run 365 miles this year, running at least twice a week.  This year we ran 20 miles one week, sometimes not at all for a whole month.  I trained for a half marathon, got up to distance, and then lost interest and didn't run for six weeks.  We COULD run more and more often then the goal I'm setting, but I'm aiming for achievability and consistency. 
  • Run the Illinois Half Marathon
  • Pack lunch four days a week
  • Sew more: 2 potholders and a mitt, two double draft snakes, one dress, one skirts, two leggings, bag for me, bag for Amy, small quilt, repair or improve the mass quantities of clothes in my fix/modify pile, and use my serger when I should be instead of not finishing edges that ought to be finished (don't be a lazy ass, Allison)
  • Leave less crap on the porch
  • Get dressed every day.  Okay, every weekday.
  • Read 26 books this year
  • Make 26 new recipes this year 
  • Make a batch of cider
  • Set a weekend visit with Amy for every month.  I'll end up seeing her more than that, but the real goal here is to not spend the weekends I don't see her feeling like a lousy piece of crap sister
  • Keep stuff off the floor
  • Spend less time on the computer when I'm at home
  • Get our basement and garage organized and streamlined.  
  • Get family photos sorted and prepared for scanning. 
  • Drink less soda.
  • Get out of bed in the morning with less of a fight.
  • Go to bed when I think, man, I should go to bed.  Not two hours later. 
  • 50/50 coffee after 1 pm
I have a whole list of other goals -- goals of Amy's and goals of my own for Amy that I can contribute to and support, but that is another post.  If I try to write it now, I will slip into bitterness and anger, when I what I really should do is march myself into my sewing room and fix something.

Woooo, interrupted by the phone.  Amy played me today -- two after work calls AND two bedtime calls. 

Anyway... Stats on a few quantifiable goals

Week one: 4/4 lunches, two runs: 5.5 miles
Week two, so far: 2/2 lunches, one run: 4.25 miles, 3 new recipes

Ok!  Marching into my sewing room right now!

Update!  Three garments fixed or modified -- a hole in a shirt mended, side seam pockets of a thrift store dress sewn shut and trimmed off, and pockets of a red corduroy skirt sewn shut. Now, to lay in bed and read!


Monica B said...

I'm jealous you have a sewing room! Good luck with your running. That one would do me in, but I'm not a runner. =)

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