Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Big Guns.

Last reply from Residential Director leaves me exasperated, exhausted, agitated, and pissed. And I need to be in the car, NOW, driving to Chicago to pick up Amy to meet up with family to celebrate Mom's 61st birthday.

Dad Attorney responds to Residential Director:
Dear Residential Director,

Amy has given you notice as of August 21, 2011.

You have not supplied a copy of Amy's executed contract.  We await a prompt copy.

There will be no other option but to permit Amy to leave without any more trouble.  In the interim, Amy will be treated with respect and dignity, including reasonable compliance with Allison K.'s email to you of September 21, 2011.  If you do not accept this, we will take such legal action as we deem appropriate.  This may include an action for Organization's breach of contract and breach of Organization's duty to Amy.  You may also reasonably expect public relations notice and media exposure.  This is unconditional.  Please do not underestimate my resolve.

You may wish to seek the advice of competent counsel.

Thank you,
Dad, Esq.

CC:  Daughter #1
        Daughter #2
        Godfather Attorney

P.S.  Residential Director.  Let me be clear.  You are drawing swords against Amy's Father (me) and Amy's Godfather (Godfather Attorney), as well as a larger community of friends and family.  You may be assured we simply will not relent.


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